Knowledge and Innovation Management UPME 2022


In 2022, Colombia's Mining and Energy Planning Unit (UPME) made progress in the development of the guidelines for the construction of its Knowledge and Innovation Management System, with consultancy support from In-Nova.

This initiative allowed the entity to design the constituent bases of its management model, in compliance with the requirements of the Integrated Public Management Model - MIPG, of the Administrative Department of the Civil Service and of the UMPE's own development, in terms of policy, mechanisms for generating, disseminating and sharing knowledge in the entity and mechanisms for strengthening the structures and tools for the provision and protection of the entity's knowledge, laying the foundations for the deployment of a strategy that in the medium term would allow the consolidation of the knowledge management and innovation dimension.

The achievements of the work of the UPME's knowledge management and innovation team, with consultancy support from In-Nova, are summarised in the following points 

  1. A documented policy was structured collectively, that is with the entity's team, on a model customised to the particularities and needs of the UPME in terms of Knowledge and Innovation Management.
  2. The policy was collectively planned in such a way that the entity has a 4-year action framework to develop the management of knowledge and innovation in the approaches of Technology, People, Culture, Organisation, Management and Results, integrated in a strategic plan conceived by the entity's team.
  3. In terms of building the foundations for the development of the initiatives, the following concrete actions were developed:
  • The entity's tree of knowledge areas was determined, in a collaborative exercise that allows the disaggregation of UPME's particular management in knowledge areas, on which to develop the strategies of knowledge provision and storage, knowledge development (learning, networks).
  • The development of IT capacities was proposed, based on the entity's existing capacities (current use) and on which the guidelines for future evolution (future situation) and the potential for advanced development (advanced situation) on 12 specific aspects of information and communication technologies were proposed.
  • The "knowledge audit" model was built, with the development of a proprietary tool that will allow the construction of individual, group and specific knowledge maps that will enable the entity to identify:

i. Existing levels of knowledge

ii. Knowledge gaps

iii. Knowledge concentration

iv. Critical knowledge risks

  • The organisation was permeated with the application of innovation exercises, aimed at improving the applicability of "service agreements", as an example of the potential of innovation applied to organisational development, and a model was established for the socialisation of the entity's knowledge management and innovation model.



In summary, the strategic approach of the knowledge management and innovation dimension in UPME was carried out and the first pillars on which to build the model were constructed.




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Innovation Knowledge management
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